The Australian Clinical Trial Alliance (ACTA) Reference Group on Strengthening Consumer Engagement in Clinical Trials is committed to ensuring that health consumers (patients and people who use healthcare services) from CALD backgrounds have a greater awareness of, involvement in, and access to clinical trials, with opportunities to shape research that develops new ways to treat or prevent diseases and health conditions.
In June 2020 ACTA held a virtual clinical trial diversity workshop with the following objectives:
- Bring together a diverse group of stakeholders from CALD backgrounds and the research sector to share experiences and activities to improve clinical trial diversity
- Discuss opportunities to improve clinical trial awareness, involvement, and access for people from CALD backgrounds within the Australian context
- Develop a national position statement to support the development of recommendations to improve clinical trial (research) awareness, involvement and access for people from CALD backgrounds.
The report can be accessed here, including the key discussion points and ideas explored by the workshop participants with additional comments from the post feedback survey.