Our People
Debra Langridge
Head, CCIProgram
Deb has worked in the public health and prevention space at all levels of government – Federal, State and Local – and not for profit sectors to contribute to the health and well-being of communities. She has worked to capture the voices of all parts of community including access and inclusion, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, culturally and linguistically diverse communities, children and young people, mental health, health and community services. Deb has been the Chair of Advisory Groups in both NSW and WA. She has always worked connecting community, government, and community with a well-being focus, and was a representative on WA Sustainable Health Review with this in mind.
Deb’s role leading the Consumer and Community Involvement Program as a platform of the Western Australia Health Translation Network is to connect researchers in WA Universities, Medical Research Institutes, Government, and Health Service Providers with people with lived experience to support and encourage best practice research. Deb is passionate about ensuring research can impact policy, practice and wellbeing of communities and enjoys bringing people together to make a difference.
Briony Abraham
Events and Marketing Project Officer
Briony is Consumer and Community Involvement Program’s Events Officer and joined the team in January 2017. Briony has held purchasing, finance and administrative roles within the University of Western Australia’s Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences since 2015. Prior to this she held roles within the sales industry.
Briony’s role within the Consumer and Community Involvement Program is to promote, plan and organise all events which the Program is requested to run for our various Partner Organisations. She also provides administrative support to the team, and to the Head of Program, Debra Langridge.
Caroline Jones
Consumer and Community Involvement Coordinator
Caroline joined the CCProgram in April 2024, as the Consumer and Community Involvement Coordinator for Murdoch University and the University of Notre Dame. With early career qualifications in Health Promotion and 20 years experience working within local government community development, Caroline brings expertise in connecting with community. She has a keen interest in working with aboriginal communities, culturally diverse communities and vulnerable people such as those experiencing homelessness. Caroline will focus on ensuring that people with lived experience are enabled to contribute meaningfully while building the capacity of researchers and research partner institutions.
Dr Ingrid Laing
Consumer and Community Involvement Coordinator
Ingrid joined the CCIProgram in September 2022 and is the CCI Coordinator for the Department of Health, Office of Medical Research and Innovation, as well as the Harry Perkins Institute. Prior to joining the CCIProgram, Ingrid was a UWA Principal Research Fellow specialising in children’s lung health and diseases, particularly asthma. Most recently, Ingrid has studied why some children get wheezing and asthma attacks causing them to come to hospital for treatment, and is looking at new treatments to prevent asthma attacks in early childhood. Ingrid has served on the board of the Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand as well as the Cystic Fibrosis Association of Western Australia.
Ingrid also has an extensive lived experience with lung disease, diabetes, kidney failure and as a carer of someone with complex medical needs.
Ingrid will focus on connecting people with lived experience with Partners and researchers to embrace consumer and community involvement in research, and through this support to ultimately improve the health and wellbeing for people in our community.
Jillian Northwood
Currently on maternity leave
Prior to joining the CCIProgram, Jillian worked as a Doctor of Audiology specialising primarily in cochlear implants. Throughout her career she has actively collaborated within multidisciplinary teams to provide implant recipients holistic and person-centred care.
Jillian also brings with her a unique lived experience perspective within the area of perinatal and infant mental health where she actively contributes as a consumer member on relevant steering committees and taskforces. These opportunities have further highlighted the necessity for cohesion and collaboration between healthcare professionals, researchers, relevant government officials and consumers, specifically regarding community health and ongoing research initiatives.
Kerry Mace
Consumer and Community Involvement Coordinator
Kerry joined the team in August 2019 and is the Consumer and Community Involvement Coordinator at The University of Western Australia. She brings with her over 15 years of involvement in the area of consumer advocacy.
Kerry also supports the Consumer and Community Involvement Coordinators with the day to day administration of the Program and recruits consumers and community members for the open involvement positions. She is the connection between our consumers and our researchers, contacting consumers about their applications and assisting researchers with the process of choosing who they work with.
Kerry’s background is with Arthritis and Osteoporosis WA as their Kids Camp Coordinator and has also been a Support Group facilitator for over 20 years. She is a Loric Self-Management Facilitator and is a member of various committees, including the Musculoskeletal Health Network. Kerry recently retired from the Fiona Stanley Hospital Consumer Advisory Committee after 6 years on the Council, with the last four as their chair.