Delphi Study: An opportunity to take part and have your say on the future priorities for mental health research in Western Australia.
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Co-ROAMERS (Co-designed ROAdmap for a MEntal health Research Strategy) is a collaborative team of mental health experts working to set a WA Mental Health Research Strategy for Western Australia.
In this short video, the Co-ROAMERS team introduce you to the study and how you can be involved. The team want to hear from experts with a lived experience (consumers of health systems, carers) and/or professional experience (mental health workers, researchers and policy-makers) about mental health challenges in WA.
Please view the following video to learn more about the study and visit the survey website to learn more about the criteria for being involved.
Mental health research across WA has historically been fragmented, with work being undertaken independently across universities, research institutes, and Health Service Providers (HSPs) and limited sharing of information.
An opportunity exists for the development of a WA Mental Health Research Strategy to inform key stakeholders, the Minister for Health and Mental Health, and the WA Future Health Research and Innovation Advisory Council on the areas of potential investment in mental health research that will lead to the most beneficial health outcomes for WA.
The Co-ROAMERS project involves comprehensive consultation with key stakeholders in the development of the Mental Health Research Strategy. It is expected that this study will help inform the direction of future mental health research projects and funding in WA, and ensure that research will bring better outcomes for individuals impacted by mental health problems.
If you have any questions or concerns about the study, you can contact the research team by email at or phone +61 (08) 9266 5123.