COVID-19s Impact on Sexual and Reproductive Health Survey

Curtin University is part of an international study on the impact of the COVID-19 health and safety measures on sexual and reproductive health and well-being. The study is being coordinated by the Academic Network on Sexual and Reproductive Health Policies (ANSER) and researchers at the University of North Carolina.

To get a better understanding of the effects of COVID-19 measures an online survey is currently rolling out in more than 30 countries by asĀ  many academic institutions. Analysis will focus on national, regional and global levels and results will be translated into policy recommendations.

Australia is one of the focus countries of the study. With COVID-19 measures likely to be having an impact on sexual behaviours, reproductive health and social life across the country. The research team are curious to find out if contraceptive use has declined? Has there been a rise in intimate partner violence? How did the focus on COVID-19 in health facilities effect access to essential reproductive health services?

If you’d like to share the survey through your network, ANSER have posts on social media. Here are their accounts:


If you’re interested in taking part you can take the survey now.