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Research Priorities for Podiatry Services in Western Australia

We want to know your thoughts on what we should research in podiatry services

Researchers from the University of Western Australia would like to hear from consumers with a lived experience of seeing a Podiatrist, we would like to hear about your experiences, knowledge, understanding and expectations of podiatry services in Western Australia. The information gathered will inform future research priorities with the aim of improving foot health and the patient experience.

We seek consumers who have seen a Podiatrist (who reside in Western Australia) within the last 12 months, having received the services yourself or observed a podiatry interaction for someone you care for. This will assist the researchers to gain a better understanding of what is important and relevant to consumers of podiatry services in WA and to ensure the voices of people with lived experience of podiatry services inform the direction of research at the University of Western Australia which would support the needs of the WA community.

The researchers would like to take the views provided to develop new research projects to address key aspects in podiatry.

This Community Conversation will be held online to hear from consumers in rural and regional areas of Western Australia.

Experience required of attendees:

  • A health consumer of podiatry services within the last 12 months, having received podiatry services for previous or current foot problems.
  • A carer, parent or family member who has observed a podiatry interaction in the last 12 months.
  • You must reside in Western Australia

A $70 gift card (honorarium) is offered to attendees.

If you meet the above criteria and live in Western Australia and you want to submit your interest in attending, please complete the EOI form below.

We will be in contact with you to inform you if your lived experience meets the requirements of the research project, and your EOI has been accepted.

Web form to create Applications

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